Q: I’m having trouble with my mortgage company in Tennessee and can't seem to find the number for the regulators who would oversee a company located in Knoxville. I live in a mobile home and can't seem to find a phone number. Can you help?
A: Typically, mortgage lenders are regulated by a state banking department, but in some cases they may be managed by the department which also regulates real estate transactions. In the case of Tennessee, the regulator should be the Tennessee Department of Financial Institutions, which can be found at https://www.tn.gov/tdfi.
For other states, please refer to HSH.com’s list of state banking departments.
To help you understand how to complain and who to complain to, you should read HSH's Complaint Guide for Homebuyers and Homeowners.
Although you should start with the local authority first, you should also know that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) also solicits comments and complaints about mortgage lenders and lending practices . Visit the CFPB, and click on the "Consumer Education" then on either "Submit a Complaint" or "Tell Your Story" links to tell your story and they may be able to help you.